Vauxhall One
Helping to create a safer, greener, cleaner and better area of London
Vauxhall is changing. Once a mixed industrial and residential area, now sprouting with luxury riverside apartment blocks and hipster delis. But behind the scenes much work needs to be done. The Vauxhall One BID (Business Improvement District) is run by local businesses, funded through a levy on business rates, and works to make Vauxhall a better place to live and work.
We were asked to develop a range of integrated communications to help get the message out there that Vauxhall One is here to make big improvements to enhance peoples’ lives.

Our bright thinking
As an agency based off Albert Embankment, we know that Vauxhall is an exciting area full of contrasts and opportunity. There is a real energy about the place and the pace of change is breathless. But when it comes to the way people live and work, you don’t win their hearts and mind by over-promising.
Our approach was to engage and excite residents and workers about the excellent work of Vauxhall One and the future of the area, while keeping grounded in the reality of peoples’ lives.

Our inspired creativity
We developed a visual style, tone of voice and content strategy designed to excite residents and workers about the possibilities for making Vauxhall a safer, cleaner, greener and better place, while also reflecting the reality and concerns felt by some. We inspired hope and support without over-promising.
In expressing a balance between the exciting prospect of much needed local improvements and, for some at least, challenging conditions, we developed a palette that is bright and optimistic with, at the same time, a modulated restraint. We told it how it is.